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What instruments do you teach in your studio? What if you added another one... one that ANY teacher can teach?! Just think about how many more students you could enroll!
Introducing... Animal Adventures in Music: A private lesson program for ages 2-6 featuring 10 colorful, sticker-filled books, 10 adventure-filled levels, 10 different instruments, and 10 medals for achieving each level!
Brings in tons of new students and steady income
Can be taught by you or ANY of your music teachers who enjoy working with young kids
No expensive training or special certification necessary
Fills gaps in your schedule or your teachers' schedules
No special classroom needed - use any private lesson room you already have or teach in your students' homes
Takes additional time or effort to launch or operate in your studio
Can be taught in-person or virtually through any platform such as Zoom or Skype
Students move at their own rate and learn an incredible amount of music fundamentals including 3 octaves of notes, rhythms from sixteenth to whole, intervals, tempo markings, and more!
Students learn about and are exposed to 10 different instruments, a feature parents are CRAZY about!
Parents, students, and teachers RAVE about it!
All you need to teach this program are the books.
And we'd love to tell you how to get them!